We leave for Utah just a couple of days after Christmas, so things need to be ready before Christmas, otherwise I wont be able to enjoy the holiday.. I'll be thinking about packing and cleaning the whole time. For the most part, everything is done!
Ryan's been working hard on tiling the master bathroom and putting a fence around the pool
Why is it that we don't get things like that done until right before we move!? We have had all of the stuff to make the fence and do the tile for over a year.. and are only getting to it now!

Ella had to say goodbye to her 2nd grade class and teacher Mrs. Brown!
They had a big party on the last day of school
They had lots of treats while they watched the polar express!
Ryan and I got to help out!
Ella handed out Christmas cards, included was our new address, just in case anyone wanted to be a pen pal!
Mrs. Brown was such a great teacher to Ella! She learned so much! Mrs. Brown really worked with her and helped her SO much!
Ella will miss her teacher and friends so much, I hope she has a good teacher and will make lots of new friends in Utah!
She's such a good big sister and helper to me and Ryan!
With so much going on here and so much needing to get done before we leave, Ella has been the BEST helper! Always there to hold open a door or hand someone a tool, she's picked all of the weeds for me too! I don't know what we would have done without her this week!
Ryan keeps telling her that Santa's been watching and knows what a good job she's been doing!
No pictures with Santa this year though. I'm not about to spend 17 bucks for one little picture
and they would NOT let me take one with my camera. SO sad.
But they were both very excited to see Santa and talk with him
Jack wasn't scared at all! He was so happy and told Santa he wanted a bike and a woody doll
Ella told Santa she wanted a skateboard, Barbie house and Wii
1 comment:
Ella got to wear her pajamas to school? Love Ella's poses. What will you do when life slows down....sheesh!
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