Totally zonked out!!
I could NOT believe that he fell asleep right as everyone was getting here and he would NOT wake up for anything!
I tried bribing him with cake, presents, anything... nothing worked.
I tried bribing him with cake, presents, anything... nothing worked.
Even with everyone making tons of noise and walking right over him, he stayed asleep!
I ALWAYS forget to take pictures of the decorations and of all of the guests....
Jack FINALLY woke up, just in time to start opening his presents!

He's in love with Buzz and Woody!
I think he was a little more then disappointed that he didn't get a Woody doll.
I guess he'll just have to wait a couple more weeks until Christmas and see if Santa brings him one! ;)
It's so great that we always have an amazing turn out for the kids birthdays!
Thank you to everyone who was able to come and for the wonderful gifts!
I was so excited! Thank you Sister Wilson!
He's really started to hit the terrible 3's! See, around here 2's are fine.. it's 3's that make me want to pull all of my hair out!
(Like how today he's changed his clothes at LEAST a dozen times and got into and ate all of the Christmas candy! I hope he doesn't throw up later!)
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