Only so that they could say that tomorrow is Christmas!

He's Santas helper who comes when the Christmas tree gets set up, to watch for Santa to make sure the children are being good. When Santa gets here on Christmas night Chris Mouse will give his report and that will determine what the children get for Christmas!
The children (ok.. and me too) are so excited for Christmas! It's going to be a good one!
Merry Christmas!
I wish that I could be with my family this holiday!
I wish that I could be with my family this holiday!
I love you all and hope to see you again soon! Know I will be thinking of you and missing you tomorrow!
We miss you and wish you all were HERE!!! Merry Christmas!
Love all the updates! so excited to be in many more of them very soon!!! Yipee I can't wait! I have been waiting 2 1/2 long years! I knew you'd come back!
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