Ella had been asking to decorate for Christmas right after Halloween.
Don't you love Jack's outfit!? The swimming trunks crack me up! He's so into changing his clothes a million times a day. I love to see what clothing combinations he comes up with! However it feels like it's made my laundry double!

We have a lot going on around here!
It's weird to be decorating, while at the same time packing everything up!
We leave for Utah SOON!
But it couldn't be Christmas without all of the cute decorations!
It's one of my most favorite things about the holidays!

I have the feeling that next year I'm going to start getting asked a lot of questions about Santa and Christmas. She's growing up! And I hate it!

I feel like the last few weeks have been so crazy, so I'm glad we were able to take a night off for some fun!

We gave that lovely painting of the Dogs.
While walking through good will I saw it and knew I HAD to have it!
But it was 20 bucks!?
As Ella and I admired it I told her if only it had been 5 dollars, I would have got it.
Right then an employee walked by and said they would give it to me for 5!
SOO excited I sent Ryan a picture text of my find!
Only to get a text back saying there was no way we were going to give that as a white elephant gift... but that we MUST keep it for our own!!
But before anyone opened it, there was one stipulation. It must hang on a wall in your house for one whole YEAR!
The Shumways won!
It better be on your wall right now Lauren!!
(LOVE Meilssa's face!)
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