He's up again, ready to find some new kind of trouble

Jack is so smart and loves learning new things- this week he taught himself how to turn on Ryan's car! Yep, he got the key's, found the right key, put it into the ignition and turned. He didn't get it to turn over all the way, but was very close. What's he going to learn next week!?
The weather guy says that we are unseasonably cold for this time of year at 95 degrees.
Look at Jack- checking out the ladies! Whoo Hoo!!!
The Bullard's/our swim buddies!

Me and the Jackster!!
One of the pools had some diving boards. Ella wanted to try it so badly! She kept watching the other children jumping in. After a failed attempted and after some extra courage was mustard up- she did it!!!! I was so proud of her! I think that I would have been a little scared to jump myself. She's so brave!!! She jumped several more times after that!

Me and the Jackster!!

They are both getting so big. I hope all is well in AZ.
Your kids make me laugh! I especially love the pictures of Jack and his glasses! So hilarious!
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