Ella Elizabeth Bailey was born on
June 21 2003 at 9:09am.
Weighing in at 7 pounds 9 oz and 21 1/2 inches long
Every year, I look back. She was the one who made all of my dreams come true, she made me a mother. I didn't know what to think about having a baby. I had been around children my entire life. (I am the oldest of 10 children!) and I liked babies, but I didn't know how different it would be having my own. The second Ella was born I knew that it was different, very different. She was my special baby girl. She was MINE. I feel like there was my life before I had her and then there is LIFE with her. My life truly started when she was born. She IS why I'm here. I feel so blessed to have been given the opportunity to be her mother. She is a joy!
Now she is 6 years old. Where did time go. Before I know it, she'll be 16. (It makes me want to cry just thinking about it!) She is so sweet, smart, talented, beautiful, everything you could ever want in a little girl! I love her and appreciate her more and more each day.
Happy Birthday Ella!
Happy Birthday ELLA!!
Happy Birthday Ella Bella - we love you!
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