Saturday, April 30, 2016

Mary Visits

 We love when Mary and her family come to visit!
We always find fun things to do.
We went and got lunch at one of our favorites.

 We went shopping and tried on some new sunglasses!
(I see you Mary)

Again, one of my most favorite videos ever..

 It's too bad that Ella did some, because finally the puppy barn had PUGS!
I was so temped to get her!

 Another day, another lunch date!
Lilly and Harvey wanted to sit at their one table.

 It was so fun having Mary around for so long!
She loved tagging along on our trips to Costco and Home Depot.
Who doesn't love free food?
We got all of the supplies to make a garden! The benefits of finally owning our own home again!

 So much playing outside! Loving this weather!

 Bunny dog.

Sometimes we feel bad that bunny is always inside or that she's tied to a tether in my parents yard, so we've let her come over a couple of times and play in our backyard.

 Now that we've closed on the house it's time to start working!!
First task- PAINTING! I've hated this color since the second I saw it. I can't believe I've lived with it for this long!
So excited to be done with it!

My sweet and VERY PREGNANT sister Mary helped paint the entire down stairs!
I couldn't have done it without her!

It's coming along! Maybe someday I'll post "after" pictures. But that will probably be right before we move out of here. Our houses never end in projects!

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