The last rent check! Woohoo!!!
Poor Lila.. it's a harsh reality when you find out that in fact, you aren't a baby anymore..
Weird shot.. but you know, there are so few pictures of me.. gotta show the sisters my eyebrow game..
(I wish you could hear better!)
Lilly loves to sing to the radio and she's pretty good too!
She knows almost every word to every song played on the radio!
While out running errands the kids saw this and asked what it was!?!?!
They also had never heard dial tone before....
Running errands and had to stop for some lunch. Jack's pick- CostaVida for chicken tacos!
I have no idea where she came up with this!
She cracks me up!
This is what Uncle Jacob does when he stops by.. weird face swap!
In an effort to try new things Ryan took me on a date to get some Indian food.
I liked two things. No thank you.
With the weather finally starting to get really warm that means time for yard work!
We started with taking all of the rocks out of the flower bed and pulling all of the weeds.
Already looks so much better!!
Now to put ground cover and bark chips!
We hauled out about eight loads of these rocks..
Sometimes my sisters and I compare crumb piles.. and dirty clothes piles and dirty dishes piles. All in effort to make each other feel better. I always win though... :(
Fun park days!!
With spring here all of the animals are out.. we love watching the ducks and look forward to all of the little ducklings!.... unfortunately that means we get a lot of this first..
When you need a nap, you need a nap
It's almost time for the recital!! Can't wait!
Almost every time we go to Grandma and Grandpa's the kids are so helpful and sticky roller the couches. Yucky dog hair..
The snow is melting off the mountain!
Ryan helped a family in our ward move and this was his reward.
Pretty cool.. except I couldn't get it down the stairs.
Ryan had to take it apart to get it through the doorway.
Worth it I guess..
So happy that I finally moved all of the kids toys to the basement!
I've been waiting and waiting to have Sami's house close and for her to move all of her boxes out.
With some spring cleaning I made a couple of purchases. Ella a bookshelf and the babies a little couch. Ella needs a full on desk and everything and the babies just need a bigger bedroom.
A before and after....
I love that after years and years of me mowing the lawn I finally just hired a neighbor boy to do it for me. SO much better!!
Sometimes Ryan works far away, so when he moved to a model closer to home it's been nice to stop by and say hello and bring him some lunch now and then.
"Look Mom! I have ice cream lip stick!"
The girls love shopping at Smith's for one reason only.
First day of swim suit weather!!
Fingers crossed! Time to start my first garden. I'm pretty sure I have a black thumb, so we'll see how things go.
First BBQ of the year! Love those little butter drenched faces!
April showers bring May flowers right!?
Flowers are always a good idea.
I really love our youth group here! The leaders are so amazing! I wish that I could go to everything...
This is a problem..
Ryan went to renew his drivers license... but since he had over four tickets in four years, that meant that he had to take the test. He was NOT thrilled!
Mary and her kids came to visit for a couple of weeks! It's been so much fun having them here!!
We love Lolette!
She takes making home made pizza very seriously!
Running into friends at the store, awesome!