Monday, April 23, 2012

I don't have a Nanny, I have a Sami- which is so much better

Poor Lil-lil fell asleep in her high chair. So cute!
Sami comes over almost everyday, even if only for a few minutes. She's got to get a "Lilly" fix before she goes to work and we live right on the way. Sometimes I think we needed to move back to Utah just so we could  live close to Sami. One day a couple of weeks ago I had a photo-shoot and didn't have anyone to watch my kids. It was pictures for a friend and so I just decided to take them along. On my way to the shoot and feeling very tired and stressed out I got a call from Sami- wondering where we were and what we were up to. I told her that I was taking all three kids to the shoot so she hopped into her car and came along. She sat in my car holding Lilly and taking care of wild Jack and Ella for two hours. Just to be nice. Then on the way home Lilly started crying and everyone was tired. I needed to go to the grocery store and get some milk and the pharmacy to get a prescription. Well again, on my way Sami called me and said that she would get everything for me. Of course after her watching my kids in the hot car all day I said I would get everything. She could hear Lilly crying and I'm sure the stress in my voice and told me- too bad, she was already there and getting everything. Seriously, I'm so lucky to have her! Not only does she love my kids and help me on an almost daily basis, she's one of my best friends! Love you Sami!
Jack is still addicted to the wii. I can't wait for summer to get this kid outside!
It's my new favorite thing to take pictures of Lilly when she wakes up from her nap!

1 comment:

Tiffany Robinson said...

Standing in the CRIB!!!! I love it to so cute.

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