The other night I was busy doing something.. some craft or sewing something.
Things like that have really taken over my life these past couple of weeks.
Trying to stay busy and not go crazy with the anticipation of this new baby.
Well, suddenly I realized that it was after midnight.
I swear I don't know how five hours had gone by, it felt a lot more like fifteen minutes!
I also became aware of how quiet the house was.
So off I was to try and find my family.
THIS is what I found.
All asleep, all in my bed.

I don't know how on earth Ella is able to sleep with her hair in her face like that!?
I would go crazy!
She's such a deep sleeper, I guess she doesn't even realize.
I LOVE that this shows what I have to deal with every night.
See, Ryan has a special- blanket. Not any old blanket, his silky.
It's a HUGE!
Every night he nicely folds over all of the other sheets and blankets on our bed, to make room for his silky.
Don't get me wrong, Ryan is SUCH a manly man. Until it comes to bedtime.
Then it's his silky and his fan.
Hehehehehe... sorry Ryan. For the sake of posterity I am glad it's documented.
I seriously need to try and find a better duvet, his yellow one is so unattractive!
HAHAHAHA! Nice! I love Ryan's silky. You should get him a new duvet for Christmas. Maybe something more manly for sure. :) Miss you...
What brand is that silky? I think I need one too !
I have no idea... we have had it too long!
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