Last weekend Ryan and I had the opportunity to go out on a (much needed) date!!
John and Tiffany took both kids ALL DAY!
It was so nice!!
Ryan and I went and saw a movie, out to dinner and then headed over to a REAL Salt Lake soccer game!
(I'm 35 1/2 weeks in this picture!)

It was so nice to get to go with Ryan to one of his games!
I had been waiting and waiting to go and then we realized, this was my last chance to go before having the baby.
It was a lot of fun. Even if I had to walk a long way and made us a little late since I had to walk so slow!
Ryan really gets into the game and knows EVERYTHING there is to know. He could guess what was going to happen well before it did. It was kind of creepy. But I guess that's what happens when you've played soccer your entire life.

I was so glad to spend the whole day with my sweetheart! Just the two of us.
I loved doing what he LOVES to do and spending good quality time together.
It helped that Real won! Too bad I was in the bathroom and getting a drink for BOTH goals!
Thanks again John and Tiff for watching the kids!!!!
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