Today Ella's school put on a dance concert for all of the parents.
Ella was so excited and happy that Jack and I came to watch her perform!
(Ella sitting with her class, waiting their turn)

Jack and I had some snacks and hung out on the grass,
it was such a nice day!

Still waiting patiently!

There were so many cute dances and all of the children did so well!

All done....

Jack started feeling bored.
He took this picture... of my shoulder.

My little stud muffin!
It actually got really hot sitting outside!
I got a pretty rad sun tan line.... right where my watch was

Jack couldn't take it any longer and wanted to go sit with his big sis!
She loves showing him off to all of her classmates who think he's pretty cute.
Summer might just be around the corner!!
Only one more week of school left for Ella!!!
Then SUMMER BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!
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