The first week we were here there was so much going on.. the kids kept asking me to go out and play in the snow! Finally we got everything together and out they went!

They LOVED it! They had so much fun, they were out there for over an hour

The view from our back yard

These sweet kids sure have adjusted well to such a big climate change!
They love the snow.
One of the first nights here we went as a family out shopping (To get a microwave!) and it started to lightly snow
Jack kept yelling "it's snowing, it's snowing!" I think the people around us thought it rather odd
But i doubt they would have guessed it was his first time seeing it snow!
We haven't had a TON of snow at all here! All of the storms have passed us by.
The kids can't wait to get a bunch of good snow so that they can make a snowman!
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