This picture in no way gives a true description of the MESS the house was in!
There were boxes EVERYWHERE!

We had TWO garage sales in the past couple of months and many trips to good will, all in hopes that we would be able to fit everything into one extra large truck.
We weren't even close!
We had to get TWO of the extra large trucks.
What a mess..

Our dear friends the Bullards were kind enough to take our children the entire day while we packed the truck!
Ella was so happy to be able to spend some time with Ava.. one more time.
We hope that we will be able to see you guys again soon! Let us know the next time you're going to be in Utah!!!

Crazy Jack Jack!

Later that night the Riggs and the Shumways came over to Ryan's parents house for one last night of fun! We knew we were going to miss everyone, it was hard to say goodbye

The kids also got to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa Bailey

Watching a movie!

ALL of the kids!! We have a LOT of kids!!
Thank you Shumway and Riggs families for being such wonderful friends!
You are more then friends to us, you're family!!
We love all of the friends we made in Arizona!
We miss ALL of you so much!
COME AND VISIT!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to Rick and Sandy!!
You have done so much for us!
Always have been there for us! We'll miss being able to see you guys as often

Bright and early the next morning we hit the road!
Ryan's brother in law Stacy was amazing!
When we figured out that all of our junk was NOT going to fit into one truck we kind of panicked!
But Stacy was so nice and offered the help us and drive one of the trucks up!!!
So Stacy led the way, followed by Ryan and Ella in the truck pulling Ryan's car and Jack and I in my car!

He was a VERY good boy!
I don't know how many times we watched lady and the tramp, but he loved it and was great the whole drive!

Sweet boy!!!

As we started to get more north we would see some snow!!

Ella had fun riding in the BIG truck with her Daddy!
She said they talked about all kinds of things and sang songs together

It took us 18 HOURS to get from Phoenix to Lehi!
As we came up to the Utah valley the snow really started coming down and it got really dark
Just past Nephi I started getting scared and wanted to pull off the road.
I called Ryan and said, I can't drive in this anymore
He said he would pull off on the next exit just a few miles up the road.
I have NEVER been so scared in my entire life!!!!
Those few miles ended up taking hours, with me only being able to see out my side windows!
It was horrible! I could not see through my windshield AT ALL!!! Not one bit!
I know I was swerving all over the road, good thing Stacy got behind me to try and stop other big trucks from running me off the road!!
We couldn't just pull off onto the side of the freeway because it was PILED with snow!
I have never pleaded with the Lord the way that I did that night!!!
And it truly was ONLY through the grace of God that we were able to make it!
Finally we made it to an exit where we were able to wait a couple of hours for the snow to clear
Then it took less then an hour to get to our house!!
That night we spent at Lisa and Jakes.
I couldn't stop shaking for hours. I hope to never have to go through anything like that again!

The next morning we started unloading the trucks!!
There was still a lot of snow!
Silly Stacy!!!
Seriously, I don't know how we would have made it without Stacy!!
What a blessing he was able to help us!!

I had thought the other house was a mess... I didn't know what I was getting myself into!!
Our renters had promised that everything would be cleaned spotless when we got there...
Instead... it looked like nobody had EVER cleaned the house!!! And there were TWO cars left in the garage!! I was SO MAD!!!
It took me 12 hours to clean the kitchen!! HOW do you get crap crusted on the INSIDE of a dishwasher!?!?!
Later that night, as we all were getting ready to go to sleep we said a special prayer
Thanking our Father in Heaven that we were able to make it safely to our home
and that we were able to move back into our home that we have missed so much
THANK YOU to everyone who helped us with such a big move!
Bringing us meals, watching our children, helping us pack, unpack... We couldn't have done it without every one's help!
We have the best friends and family!!!!!!
Thank you!
Here are pictures from our move TO ARIZONA!! I can't believe that was three years ago!
I can't believe Stacy had his shirt off in the WINTER!! Glad you made it safe that was scary.
Wish you would have taken a picture of the dishwasher....YUCK!
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