Every time we go out there, I think that I'm going to take so many pictures of my kids. There are just so many cute places for pictures! But it never happens. To many other things going on I guess. I did manage to take a couple of Ella one afternoon. She insisted on having her kitty in the pictures with her. She calls it hers since she got to name it, Shadow.
Jack practically lived on the swing! He didn't like it when the light was to bright, he said he needed my glasses. Much better
Poor Jet, he got to tired! Sweet thing

One afternoon I was able to meet up with my dear friend from high school Emily and her little guy Remi! It was so much fun to catch up and hang out like old times! We'll have to do that again when I go out there again!
Of course we had to go see Eclipse the day it came out! It was so fun to see with my Mom and some of my sisters!
On one of our last days we drove up to Fon Du Lac to a really fun park!

Jack is STILL talking about the train ride! He asks me when we are going to go on it again!

They had a couple of little rides. All from the 1920's!

The park was one of the most beautiful I've ever seen! Talk about photo shoot heaven! I will be going there again next time.. anyone want their shoot there?

We did take a couple of pictures there....
Sweet little Liam!!

Such a happy little man!

We walked across the street to lake Winnebago
They even have a lighthouse

We had to get some ice cream on the way back to the farm
Our last night

Poor Jet, he got to tired! Sweet thing

We ate out a lot and played LOTS of games. Sarah kicked our trash at everything!
Finally Dad just played to try and mess her up, knowing that he would never win.

Saying goodbye.... so sad.
Not really goodbye, more like until next time!
We love you all and miss you TONS! We can't wait until the next time we'll be able to see you and visit the farm! Thanks Mom and Dad! Love you!
Thanks to all of the Aunts, Uncles, cousin's and friends for making our trip so wonderful!
We love you all and love Wisconsin!
so many cute pictures!!!
way too much fun and lots of it for free...that is awesome!!
Love all your pics. So worth going! :)
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