Goodbye big boy bed, hello again baby crib.
I thought that I may have been jumping the gun a little.
Too bad it takes about a million more hours to get the front of the crib back on. Only takes a second to take it off. Oh well.
Look at this boy, I CAN NOT sleep with that anymore. He starts off so nicely snoozing, then he turns into the crazy bed bug as the night wares on! Lots of hair pulling and wiggling.
Not to mention dare we ever lose his passy in the sheets!
Ryan, he's oblivious to all of the commotion most nights.
He has his wall O-pillows and his own special silky blankie that almost nothing can bother him,
until the alarm goes off, or the occasional little foot that makes it through the mote.
Did you see, he's wearing big boy unda-wares!
We thought, hey, why not just give the undies a try.
Everything was fun and games until someone pooped their pants.
He loves wearing them though. So he does. Almost everyday. Over his diaper.
He's so into car's, trucks, trains, planes, helicopters and motorcycles!
Basically anything that he thinks he could drive.
So, he loves his Thomas undies!
We have been teaching Jack how to make some different sounds:
What's a kitty say- meow
Things like that.
But by far, his favorite thing is when I ask him what a car says!
He says Broom Broom!!
{Not, Vroom, vroom! Hehehehe}
1 comment:
HA! so funny that he wears the underwear over top of the diaper. He is way too smart.
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