Ryan and I got him this little bear chair quite a while ago- as seen here- we've had it in the closet for so long I don't think he ever remembered seeing it. He loved it and sat on it for a long time.

The MEN!
This was my attempt at a castle cake. It did not turn out how I had thought, but I guess it's ok. Jack doesn't care what it looks like.
He was mesmerized by the candles and kept trying to touch them! I had to hold his hands away. Earlier in the day I tried teaching him to blow our the candles, he didn't get it. All of the kids blew them out for him. Maybe we'll get in figured out by his real birthday.
We had quite the turn out! These are all of our wonderful friends!
Time to eat the cake! Jack was much more interested in the ice cream cone on the top. He was like Ella- hardly touched the cake.
He hadn't ever opened a present before. I think that he knew he wanted to see what was inside, but didn't really know how to get it open- so he used his teeth. Hey, it works on opening his food containers.
He started getting the hang of it. Ella, of course, had to be the helpful big sister. Maybe too helpful.
Holy Cow, we have some really awesome friends. They gave Jack such wonderful things. We are so lucky! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! He loved everything!
Jack had such a great birthday party! Thank you to everyone who was able to come! We had a GREAT time! Seriously, we have the best friends ever! Thanks guys!

He hadn't ever opened a present before. I think that he knew he wanted to see what was inside, but didn't really know how to get it open- so he used his teeth. Hey, it works on opening his food containers.

p.s. Thank you to Lauren, Joseph and Justin for taking pictures and video-ing for us!!!!
GREAT pictures! HAHA. :) We are glad that we were able to come. He's such a big boy. I love my little buddy! Happy 1st birthday, Jack Jack!
opps I put his birthday comment on this car seat post!... so for the car seat comment... I think we have the same chair! I am glad that Jack is much happier forward facing, I can't wait!
AWW! I wish I could have been There. I think it is so adorable when he bites everything. Happy Birthday! Great job on the cake.. I never could have done that.
Happy Birthday Jack!!! Looks like a happenin' par-tay!!! Great cake, so cute!! We'll see you guys next week!
Hey Rachel,
You put your comment for the cheeky and swank giveaway in the wrong section. I am wondering if you thought that was an entry and am not sure. If you want to enter would you do me a favor and leave your comment on the contest post by tonight? Thanks!
We had a blast! Thank you!
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