Halloween came up so fast this year! (I think that part of the reason was that it was so HOT! I just couldn't get my head wrapped around that fact that it was fall, let alone Halloween with it being over 90 degrees outside!)

We started our day with Ella going to school, like any other day. But on Halloween her class got to have a pizza party! I was so excited that jack and I got to tag along yet again. First we watched Ella play on the playground.

Jack loved all of the food at the party!

Then we headed inside! All of the kids got to do fun Halloween projects! Ella had a great time!

Ella was Snow White and Jack was a JACK-O- Lantern!

We felt so lucky to be invited by the
Rigg's family (along with the
Shumway family) to go to Katrina's families annual Halloween party! We had the best potato soup I've ever had! We had some pretty darn good cookies and brownies too! Here is a shot of all the children at the party! (except Jack and Kylie)

Whenever Ella and Dakota are together Ella always wants to pretend that they are married. Here they are sitting on a motorcycle- Ella said that they had just been married and were riding off into the sunset! Hey, he is a super cute boy! Watch out Justin and Katrina!

Then we were off- Trick-or-treating! Ella had so much fun! So much fun in fact that Ryan and I had a hard time keeping up with her. She kept running ahead to the next house!

I had to post this picture- this is what Jack did the whole night. He WOULD NOT walk! I thought at first that it was because of his costume, but I later found out that he COULD walk in it just fine. He was just being a stinker. Can children hit the terrible two's before they are even one???

At first Jack wouldn't stay in the waggon-until we gave him a sucker. Then he was very content to just sit in the waggon the whole night. Ella was so excited! She kept yelling "jackpot" whenever she got a candy that she liked.

Ryan had to work-yep on Halloween night- like ANYONE is going to go buy a house at 6pm on Halloween! He's such a good sport, as soon as he could leave he drove up to meet us. He made it just in time! Then he pulled the waggon all night. What a good Daddy!

Home at last! Ella got so much candy! She always has to dump it out and see what she got! Jack just wanted to steal all of her suckers!
We hope that everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!
They were the cutest pumpkin and the most beautiful Snow White ever! :) Thanks for sharing Halloween with us, too!
so cute! I totally think they can hit terrible twos some things kaylee do are so beyond what I thought she was capiable of doing! She has been throwing the biggest fits lately! Looks like you guys had a great halloween!
You got some great photos! We had fun too, thanks for sharing those good times with us.
You're kids are so cute and I love their costumes! You take amazing pictures!
Ella and Jack are just adorable. You and Ryan looked awesome in your costumes, you sexy thang! Looks like a fun Halloween!
So much fun! and Ella looks so perfect as snow white. why didn't you and Ryan wear your costumes?
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