Monday, July 13, 2015

Lila's 2nd Birthday Party

Mini Mouse- Lila is obsessed!
Especially after running into her at Disneyland, all she talks about is Mini!

Pretty typical!

That gap... 

She has mastered the grumpy face.

Practicing blowing out her candles.

I loved all of the details for her party! Thank you Sarah for all of the help!

I totally forgot to order a cake.. how did I do that!? This is just what the store had at the moment.. oh well!

Ready to get this party started!

I love how she danced and knew the whole song and just when to blow out the candles!

Sometimes it's hard when you're 3 and it's not your birthday yet. Lilly tried very hard to remember, only a couple more weeks until her birthday!

Then on to presents!

Jack was so sweet and made a card for Lila and included two of his own dollars!
She thought that was pretty sweet too.

The special gift from her Daddy, Annie the movie! One of her favorites!

Lila two best buddies, Anderson and Gemma!

Anderson has always loved Mikey too!

Finally getting around to eating some of her cake!

It was such a wonderful day celebrating Lila!
Happy Birthday my sweet baby!

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