Thursday, December 27, 2012


A couple of days after Christmas the kids were feeling cooped up in the house, so that night we took them bowling.
They hadn't been in so long and were both very excited!
Lilly didn't know what was going on.
Sami and I
Oh boy, I obviously have the worst form.
My technique is chuck it down the lane. Most of the time it works for me.
Jack struggled at first. Ryan, Sami and I all tried coaching him.
Ella too had to remember what to do, but loved every second of it.

Again, Jack needed some help...

(I love this picture! Thanks for your help with pictures Sami!)

Jack so badly wanted to get a strike, maybe next time.
We just had to take turns holding Lilly or she would be running off somewhere, trying to get a bowling ball and throw it down someone else s lane.
Jack asked if he could keep his shoes, he thought they were pretty comfortable.
Last frame of the night. 
I guess it wasn't what he wanted.
Had to take a picture of the scores!
Ryan ALWAYS wins. This time I was able to tie with him!
But funniest of all- Sami and Jack are tied for last!
It was so much fun, the kids can't wait to go again!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Day

Santa came to our house!!
(We need a fireplace in our next house!)

The kids were good and slept in pretty late. Around 8:30 they came into our bedroom-teeth and hair brushed and ready to go downstairs!
Ella had wanted an ipad or kindle so bad- Santa had some amazing friends who gave him a great deal on a kindle fire. She was thrilled!
Jack wanted so many things.. Santa decided that a bat-cave would be best.
Lilly got a bitty baby and little crib. She loves babies!
Ella- Nine and a half years old

First we went through all of our stockings.
The candy got started too.
Jack- five years old
After a very quick breakfast we cleaned up a little and started opening presents.

Before Jacob left to go home (just about a week before) he bought several 49er's things since you can't find anything in Wisconsin. Jack had wanted a matching hat with Jacob so bad!

Ella is SO hard to shop for. This will be the last year of barbies and littlest petshop I think.

After Halloween I bought so many costumes! Jack loves dressing up!


Lilly 15 and a half months old
Lilly loves all kitty's and doggies. She's never afraid. This kitty will have to be enough for her.

I guess he was really excited.

Lilly got a couple of dress-ups too!

Before all of the presents are open Jack's already changed his costume twice!
I was sad that Ryan's big gift hadn't made it in time, he got to open the receipt.
Every year Jack gets a remote control car... and every year it's broken within a week.
Oh well.
Ella got some new clothes

This will be her dress-up for her Cinderella second birthday!

Lilly just wanted to play too!
We got her new tent up, which she was very happy to sit in.
Which she then carried all of her toys into.

More lotion, books and shoes.
Last presents- Ryan bought a special gift for Jack and I for Ella.

A jewelry box and helicopters!!
The rest of the afternoon the kids tried on clothes and dress-ups and played with all of their new toys-
that included Ryan.

Lilly took a little nap

Ryan and I also cooked a big turkey dinner!!
Sami and Tyler came too! The perfect end to a perfect day

That night as we were getting ready for bed
(Lilly just changed from one jammies to another)
Lilly was still in the kitchen trying to get the last sip of sparkling cider.

It was a fantastic day and a wonderful Christmas!
I love my little family and love that Ryan and I get to give our children such wonderful holidays.

However, we did not forget what the day was really about. Many times throughout the day reminding the children that we are celebrating the birth of our savior.
That there is not a greater gift in the world.
Merry Christmas!
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