Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Kids

Yesterday the kids were being so cute.... and my camera was just sitting on the counter.

We don't have the terrible two's in our family, we have the terrible three's.
And we are right in the middle of it!
Lots of tantrums and fits.
Mostly over not enough chocolate milk
Good thing he's so cute!

Ella will be eight years old this summer.
It's hard to believe.
She will be getting baptized in August
Something she's very much looking forward to
My little girl is all grown up!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Justin and Katrina

We were so excited when our friends the Riggs decided to fly up to Utah just to see us!
They are some of our best friends and have missed them so much!!
Ryan was so excited to see his BFF again! He sure has missed him since we moved!
Us girls were pretty excited too! Katrina is one of my best friends!! I love hanging out with her!
First thing we did was go to Tucanos in Provo! Ryan loves the food there and knew Justin would too!
We all left so stuffed that we had to go walk it off at the mall.
We then drove up Provo canyon a little to bridal veil falls
Such pretty mountains... REAL mountains
That night we rented a movie and hung out. It was so fun just to hang out and joke around!
The next morning we got up and made a big breakfast before driving up to salt lake.
Justin had never been to temple square before, so we had to check everything out.
We started out at the big conference center or as Ryan calls it- the meganacle!
I LOVED seeing all of the beautiful art work!

On the roof of the meganacle!
Joseph Smith memorial building and the old tabernacle
Jack-Jack was a good sport to walk around everywhere, or run that is. He didn't get into too much trouble. Meaning he didn't set off any alarms or anything.
Then we all headed up to the top of the J.S. memorial for some lunch on the roof!

It was so good! Thank you Justin and Katrina!
After that it was already time for Ella to get home from school. But there was still so much to see. While Ryan and Jack drove home to pick up Ella- Justin, Katrina and I walked the grounds of the temple and took some pictures

While in the church museum Jack saw tons of church action figures... he just had to have one!
Ella was so happy that she got to join us!

Jack loved this statue of Moroni! I hadn't realized how big they are!

So serious..........
Outside one of the original cabins from the first settlers in Utah and
in front of Brigham Young's house
Ryan's favorite, the old tabernacle!
The last thing we did was see the movie "Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration" which Ryan and I got to be extras in!
Later that night the four of us went out to eat at Los Hermanos! Yum!
Ryan got to take them to his favorite resturant and then I did too!
The next morning we all slept in late!
By the time we got out the door it was already lunch time, so we ran and picked something up
Mary and Kevin had come into town the night before so they came along with Sami and Tyler
(Thanks you guys for watching my kids two nights in a row!)
We had to stop by Cabelas!
Then we drove up American Fork canyon to a little lake. So pretty!

Ryan, Justin and Ella were the only ones brave enough to walk down to the water. It was so cold and windy! Katrina was wearing flip flops!
Ryan, overcome with joy!!!!

Ella took all of the pictures for us! Hehehehehe!

The last night with Justin and Katrina we met up with Lisa and Jake for dinner at PF Chang's.
So good!
Then we all went and saw the movie "The adjustment bureau" It was very good.

Before we knew it, it was already time for them to go home.
They made US breakfast before making the drive back up to the air port.
It was so sad to say goodbye.
Arizona really had become our home, we made such wonderful friendships.
I am so happy that even though we've moved so far away that we are keeping those friendships strong!
We love you Justin and Katrina!
Thank you so much for coming and visiting us! PLEASE come again soon!!!
We already miss you TONS!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

At our house we have a leprechaun who comes on St. Patrick's day and leaves some treats and chocolate coins for the kids! They each got some of their favorite green treats
Ella was so excited!!! She couldn't wait to wear her green light up crown to school!
Jack was not excited. He had to wake up early and was not happy about it.
The boy loves chocolate, but I guess not so much that early in the morning
We had to wake up early to make it to the airport to pick up some very special people....
more to come on that!


The past couple of weeks have been so crazy around here.
Jack has suffered, not going to bed on time really messes him up. That and he's started not wanting to take naps anymore.
He's fallen asleep in some funny positions lately.
Like listening to Ella's MP3 player.
Tiff pointed out how funny it is that his toes are sticking out of his jammies! I can't ever buy bunny bags anymore because this is always what happens! Although I have no idea how
This picture does not to him justice, he was seriously about to fall off the bed!
One wiggle and he would be on the floor
Silly boy
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