Jack finally woke up around 9:30am and I went to start breakfast and get things ready
At 10:15 we decided we better just wake Ella up. What kids has to be woken up on Christmas!?
How I made HUGE mistake #1
While Ella was going to the bathroom and getting ready to go downstairs I let Jack peak down the stairs at the waiting toys
He immediately saw the big yellow dump truck and started yelling "car, car!" He started trying to claw away from me and try to fling himself down the stairs
I had to yell for everyone to hurry while holding Jack who by this point was screaming and crying!
Ella held him until Ryan and I could run down stairs and get the cameras going before they came down. Good thing I had everything charged and ready
I wont do that again.
{This why Jack's eye's are all red in the first picture}

Complete shock and Joy

When I was looking at them at the store I could not remember which one she wanted
I carried a parrot around for a while before deciding to switch to the monkey
Big mistake #2
Big mistake #2
Ella opened it and was just like, "thanks mom".
Not the reaction I was anticipating because I knew that she had wanted one so badly for so long
So I asked her "was that not the one that you wanted?"
"no, I really wanted the parrot, but that's ok Mom. You didn't ruin Christmas."
Oh my gosh. First- that she would think such a thing and second- that I had had the parrot first!
{DRAMA QUEEN yet again!}
I guess I should be pretty happy that I didn't ruin Christmas!
This week we'll go and exchange the monkey for the parrot

Both children LOVE snow white!
That's all they have been watching on their new DVD players in the car

Now time to get ready and head out to Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Thank you Andre and Melissa

He didn't get off of it until the battery died
Good thing we can charge it and that it charges fast!
{Tori had her bunnies at Grandma's on Christmas day. Jack loved holding them. He was so nice and gentle with them! No, we are NOT going to EVER get bunnies!}
Thank you to all of our Family and Friends
Thank you for all of the wonderful cards, gifts and well wishes. It was a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Wow you are amazing!! you wrap your gifts professional with boxes and bows and ribbon!!! You are very lucky to have family close to celebrate the holidays and give such amazing gifts! It's funny that the girls got alot of the same things as Ella
I love their matching jammies! Looks like fun and a good christmas! Preston has that plad shirt I love that shirt!
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