At the last second Lisa was able to come to Arizona for a visit!
Poor Paige and Jake had to stay at home
{That's why it felt like Christmas to me!}
The little guys got along great!
They are going to good pal's just like Ella and Paige are!

It's funny to me...
That although Lisa and I live states away, we still have so much in common!
Lisa and I always end up buying the same things without the other person knowing
Just like these shirts for the boys
Neither of us knew that the other boy had the same exact shirt
We just like the same things {and finding a good deal!} and so it happens a lot
We were even talking about the trashy shows that we like to watch on TV
We watch all the same shows!
Even the ones we're too embarrassed to tell anyone else about!
There's nothing wrong with little boys being twiners
Just like Paige and Ella at the same ages!

{Ella at the photo shoot}
There are more pictures from the trip, but they are all on Lisa's camera
Which I didn't have a cord for and her computer isn't working
So there are many more fun things that we did
I just don't have the pictures
Such as-
Peter Piper Pizza
Went to a fun game night! Lisa kicked butt!
TONS of shopping!
Lisa helping me on my first day as a Sunbeams teacher
Lisa's first time to Culver's
Staying up late watching our {trashy} shows
Lisa cutting my hair, Ella's hair and HER OWN hair!
Watching movies in bed
Making yummy treats
EATING yummy treats
staying up late talking
It was so nice to have Lisa come with me to help at the photo shoot!
{Check out my photo blog}
The clients were actually Lisa's cousins!
They had scheduled this out with me weeks ago and Lisa just happened to be here for it!

The little men were very good
Did you know that you can pick the fruit off the trees at the temple?
They have grapefruit, oranges and lemons
They tasted so yummy!
As Lisa said, they are angel kissed good

Yes, he looks so sweet an Innocent.
I love those Jammie's
we call them his baby Jammie's, because I think that he looks like a tiny baby in them
He is my tiny baby

NOT so Innocent!

He loved sitting on all of Jack's little cars
But he never moves an inch
Kind of good though, because that means he's not running over my toes in the kitchen like Jack!

The last day these guys were here we went {First} to Dave and Busters to play some games
{Ryan had a gift card from work!}
The kids always have fun playing at places like this

Lisa liked my new jeans so much she went and got some for herself too!
OK, so maybe we like to be twiners sometimes too! LOL!

You ROCK it Lisa!
She kicked my BUTT at Guitar hero
Big time
I really suck

Then we went out to eat
{Ryan had yet another gift card from work!}
The little boys in twiner sweaters again

She has officially decided that she wants to go by Ellie now
NOT Ella

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of the kiddies!
My sweet children. They love each other so much

THIS guy was a saint the whole week!
He watched the kids so that Lisa and I could go to the game night
Even Preston!
He put up with not having dinner for him every night
He did anything I asked
He watched Julie and Julia with us
He was so nice when I TOTALLY ignored him the whole week
Then he even drove an hour to bring us Lisa's make up that was left at home
Let's just say, I'm doing my best to make it up to him!

Me and Lisa

Before we knew it, it was time for them to go home
Lisa, I'm SO glad that you were able to come and visit me!
I had so much fun!
You always give me the charge that I need
Thanks for being my best friend
I miss you everyday
Until next time...............