We were so excited when Justin and Katrina called us a couple of months ago to tell us they were going to in St. George this summer for a softball tournament and wanted to know if we could come along! Of course we had too, we couldn't pass up an opportunity to see our best buds!!
So this past weekend we made the short drive down to see our dear friends.
But first we stopped (About every hour and a half, since I'm expecting) at a little petting zoo in Scipio that John and Tiffany had told us about.
It's out in the middle of nowhere, but it was perfect to get out and be able to walk around a bit

The donkey's could smell Ryan's sunflower seeds he was eating and followed him wherever he went

Jack is NOT an animal lover.....

There were tons of little bunny's everywhere hiding in rocks

Jack finally warmed up enough to touch a little lamb

Ella's favorite were the little mini horses. She wants one so bad!!
Maybe someday Belly!

Time to hit the road again!
I think the peacock wanted a ride, that or he was eating the bugs off of the front of our car.
Like our little rental!? It was so much cheaper to rent something and drive it down then it was to drive the huge expedition

We finally made it to St. George!
Justin and Katrina rented an awesome condo big enough for all of us!!!
The kids started having fun right away, playing the Nintendo the Riggs brought along

Dakota and Gunnar
That night we just unpacked and hung out. It was SO nice to see the Riggs again!!!

Justin, Ryan and Jack
The next morning we hung out and got dressed before going into town to get a little treat!

All of the kids!

Oops, Ryan blinked!
I feel like my belly looks so much bigger in pictures then in person!
Only 8 more weeks until she gets here!

Later that afternoon Justin had a softball game and Ryan had to study so Katrina and I took the kids down to the pool for a little bit.
Jack wanted to wear his life jacket. He was a little nervous around the water. It's been awhile!

Ella and Kylie!

It was a little windy so we didn't stay too long

Yummy watermelon!
Sweet Kylie is getting so big!! Her hair is so long!

For dinner we all ate some yummy pizza

Jack really loves watermelon. Katrina got a really good one!

Ella loved hanging out with her old buddies again

After dinner we all went to watch Justin play in a game.

He's very good at softball. His team made it very far in the tournament!

The kids had fun playing on the grass and eating some treats

After the game we went back and put the kids to bed/watch a movie

And us adults played games.
These guys are so much fun!! We were all laughing so hard!
We ALWAYS have a great time with the Riggs!

The next morning we had donuts and chocolate milk for breakfast.
Ella was singing us a song

Then it was time to hit the pool again!
Justin had another game, but Ryan came down to swim with the kids.
First thing he did was throw Ella into the pool... with her shoes on!
It was pretty hot outside and Ryan and I both got sunburned a little

Look at that HOT MAMA!
I can't wait/hope to be thin again!!!

I told the kids that I would take some pictures of them jumping into the pool.
They would jump in over and over and then want to see all of the fun pictures of themselves in the air!

Dakota and Ella

Jack wouldn't jump in, he just wanted to hang out with his Dad

Jack finally got brave and took off his life jacket off and went swimming under water with Ryan

These silly boys!!!

Kylie wasn't afraid! She jumped in more times then all of the other kids combined!

Our view from the condo

The condo was so great!
We have got to go back there again! It was perfect for our two families!
THANK YOU RIGGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryan "studying", he did a lot of that on this trip.
But the poor guy needed it.
If he wasn't "studying" then he was playing with the kids.
They were trying to tackle him to the ground. I told them I would give them all a dollar if they could get his bottom to touch the ground. They couldn't.

On our way out to dinner we saw a bunch of bunnies out on the grass.

The boys tried to catch some..

After dinner we drove over to the temple to check it out

Bailey family, soon to be a family of 5!!

The kids ran around and even got to watch some fireworks going off nearby

The next morning we all went out to breakfast before having to say goodbye.
It was so sad to leave!! We love the Riggs so much!!
We feel so lucky to be their friends! They are some of the best friends we've ever had!!
You guys are the BEST!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do for us!!!
We love you guys!! Thank you for having us tag along!
We miss you guys everyday! We WILL see you again SOON!!
So happy you all had a great time. I'm so jealous that we weren't there. You look so good, Rachel! Cute pictures! Miss you!
I can't believe that weekend has already came and gone. It was something I was looking forward to all summer. I loved all the pictures and you summed up the trip perfectly! I might be stealing some of the pics for my blog since I always forget to take photos. So sad it's over, but we will see you guys again soon, right?!
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