One of the great things about living back in Utah is Pioneer day!
It's like the 4th of July all over again. Parades, carnivals, fireworks!
We met up with Lisa and her family in Mapleton.
First we had breakfast in the park and let the kids play for a little before going to watch the parade!

Paige, Ella, Jack and Preston


Jack loved all of the candy!

It was so funny to me, most of the floats were of different wards, primaries or even stake presidencies!

After some serious begging and pleading I finally gave in and got Jack some cotton candy

He ate it all in about 5 minutes. Gross.

After the parade we took the kids back over to the park to a little carnival.
The boys got to play some little games

Jack wanted to be in charge of the tickets

While the girls went on all of the big jumpy castles!

It was a pretty hot day, good thing Lisa's parents live RIGHT across the street from the park!
We all went over for a little chocolate milk break.
Jack thinks that Nana is HIS Nana.
Both Ella and Jack love going over there, Lisa's parents are kind of surrogate Grandparents as we don't live close to either set of biological Grandparents.
I think it's so funny, Jack sat, sipping his milk and flipping through the Shopko ad!

Then we drove over to another park.
Jack kind of got thrown into this situation, he had been asleep in the car and we were running a little late, so I'm not sure how much he understood about what was going on.
Ella and Paige were in a different age group, so he was all alone in a field with a bunch of other kids he didn't know. I felt so bad, at one point he stood there and started to cry! I felt SO BAD!
All of the parents had to stand behind a tall barrier, so I couldn't just run and get him. Finally Jack heard me screaming his name and came over to me, where I was able to explain what was happening a little better.
Then he got a little more excited and ready for.....

A helicopter to come and drop ping pong balls!!
(Lisa's Uncle is the Mayor of Mapleton and he got the fun job of dumping them all out!)

After all of the balls dropped Jack still just stood in the same spot, unsure as to what to do. Finally he figured out, oh yeah- grab a ping pong ball!

Paige, Jack and Ella
Jack feeling so much better!

Once everyone had their ping pong ball we all sat down on some blankets.
We had to see if any of our balls would have a lucky number on it to win a bike!
Jack was seriously disappointed when his number wasn't called...... Maybe next year.

Everyone got a prize no matter what, a HUGE pixie stick!

There was a band playing a concert that we all sat and watched.
Jack has some pretty awesome air guitar moves!!

Jack was running wild, I guess all of that candy, chocolate milk and cotton candy finally caught up with him!

After the concert there was a big fireworks show!
It was one of the best I've ever seen!!
What a fun, busy, crazy day!!
Thanks Lis for having us tag along!!