We started by really getting into potty training. He's made some great progress.
He knows not to peepee on his new Woody and Buzz underwares and we haven't had many accidents. Yet.
It's my goal that in the next month, he'll be totally trained. Wish me luck.
We also took down his crib and put a twin bed in his room!
He loved going and picking out his new bedding. Of course, cars!
He still climbs in bed with us sometime during the early morning.
Not fun.
So we are hoping that having a big boy bed will help things. So far, so good.
It's weird though. It doesn't feel like I have a baby anymore.
My kids are all grown up.
Where did time go?
I like his bedspread, where did you find it?
Pottery Barn Kids! I looked forever and couldn't find anything I liked half as much! I love it!
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