He put her jammies on, climbed into her bed and was reading some of her books.

For the first time EVER Ryan and I were able to have an overnight away, WITHOUT kids!!
Can you say excited! We stayed close to home. I got a really great deal at a resort in Scottsdale.
No kids waking up in the middle of the night, climbing into our bed and kicking me and
pulling my hair and then waking up at 5am wanting to watch Mickey Mouse!
Well, for one night at least! Yippee!!
This is what Ryan did as soon as we walked into the hotel.

As we were sitting there watching TV, I was thinking- we could be doing this at home.
But then again, I would have to help someone go potty, get someone a juice box, switch laundry, wipe a nose, fix dinner.
Come to think about it, I haven't been able to sit and watch something start to finish.. ever.
Plus, it's just to dang hot outside!

This is the only picture I took the whole rest of the trip!
That night we went out to eat and to see a movie. Then in the morning we went out to eat breakfast/lunch (I loved sleeping in!!)
and then, we got a phone call.
In the middle of the night Ryan's parents (who were soo kind to watch our kids overnight!) woke up to find a massive water leak!
I guess that water was coming out of the ceiling downstairs like a hose!
The water supply to the upstairs toilet had come undone and was leaking water all over the bathroom, which then went through the flooring and was dumping gallons of water onto our dinning room table downstairs!

This is what we came home to see.
No water leaking, so that's good! But now we have major water damage!
Bummer man.
Good thing Ryan's parents were here! They were so great to watch the kids and then try and start cleaning up the huge mess all of the water made!
It's going to be several weeks before things are back to normal.

The kids had fun for days, playing with all of the huge fans!
carpet got fixed yesterday, next getting a new ceiling and tons of new baseboards!

Ryan went grocery shopping for me. Something he NEVER does!
He brought home a pineapple.
Ouch. Anyone who knows me, knows, I can't have it!
But Ryan and the kids did.
They were being so silly!

This week was crazy! However, the next few weeks are going to be MORE CRAZY!
I hope that I can survive it!
Sister Sarah and baby Liam coming to visit, two more photography sessions, me driving to Utah then to Idaho with two kids ALONE, seeing my Mom and taking my sister Mary to college, visiting with all of my Utah friends!