It was so fun having you guys here! We love your family!
Thank you for coming and see us!
But the fun wasn't over yet! Lisa got to stay a couple more days!
Lis, we sure do make cute little boys!
Thursday there was a LOT of shopping and snacking and favorite show watching!!
Our favorite things to do together!
Although as Nana {Lisa's mom} says, we could scrub toilets and it would be fun as long as we were doing it together!
It's about time this kid got some blue stuff.
I love their matching outfits!
Paige was a trooper hanging out with the little boys and following us around while shopping!

I think it's so funny- Preston is almost a year younger then Jack but they wear the same size clothes. Although you can see that Preston fills out those shorts a lot more then my super skinny Jack.
Fun on the school playground!
Lisa and I went inside to get in line for hot lunch while the girls lined up with Ella's class.

It was so sad that she had to go to school while everyone was here, but I didn't have a choice!
Arizona has VERY strict truancy laws.
Big bummer.

I loved how they ran to each other.
Of course, matching outfits!
He asks me SEVERAL times a day, go get Ella from school??
School will come soon enough for you little man.

I guess that we need to take him to get school lunch more often, since he hardly eats anything at home.

After lunch we went home to wait for Ella to get out of school and Lisa and I made these cute {And EASY!} dresses for the girls. Matching of course!
Paige is almost a year younger then Ella too, just like Preston and Jack, yet she's as big as Ella!
Our Princesses!

Paige is almost a year younger then Ella too, just like Preston and Jack, yet she's as big as Ella!
This whole having kids a year apart stinks, I think that next time we'll try and have babies at the same time!!

I can't remember who won or lost, they just laughed the whole time.
At first Paige didn't want to do the sack races, but I finally convinced her and they both had a good time!

Jack was sleepy and just hung out in the stroller the entire time!
Ella tried holding her own with all of those boys!

I think that the kids just wanted to go to the carnival to get the snow cones!
Preston just wanted to walk around and check everything out.
The girls had to wait in line a long time to be able to try the rock wall and both only made it a couple of feet up.

Preston and the girls LOVED it!
Most of the time the girls were off playing together. We would see them on the lazy river or waiting for the water slides.

Most of the time this is where Jack was, sitting in the shade eating everyones PB&J!
Twin swimming suits!

We are getting SOOO OLD!
We BOTH fell asleep!!
We don't even really know how it ended.
When we young and single we could stay up all night together, not anymore.
I guess going to the 10:30 show is not possible for us old ladies anymore.
But our local pool is heated, so on Saturday we took all of the kids out for a swim!
Jack did NOT want to go swimming.
Jack did NOT want to go swimming.
He was afraid of the water.
I think it has everything to do with when he fell into the pool and Ryan had to jump in and save him a couple months ago.
By the end of the day he would go in a little, but he never wanted me to let go of him, poor little guy.

He has learned young how to be layed back and relax!
It feels like summer with swimming, popcicles and washing the car!

We tried to think of ways to have Lisa stay longer, but never could work anything out.
I guess she had to go home at some point, right?
Wednesday night while us ladies were out having fun, the Dad's had a campfire and made smores with the kids at home.
With all of the landscaping we're been doing there are holes the the lawn here and there.
Well I guess that Ella stepped into a hole and fell onto a camp chair and hit her eye pretty bad.
Poor girl.
She looks and feels so much better now.
I especially LOVE the picture or Presto!
He looks so grown up and mature!
Sometimes I forget that he's just a year and a half!
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