John and Tiffany had the trip to come and see us planned for quite a while, but then at the last second Lisa was able to talk her mom into driving down too!
She was going to stay with her sweet cousin and my friend Allison for the first couple of days, but we couldn't wait to see them! So we had everyone came over for a BBQ!

{Ryan only had Tuesday and Wednesday off from work}
Went to the movies, ate lunch
went shopping... weird I know. Boy's shopping.
They got Ryan a blue ray player!
Then they went home and watched movies.
Us Ladies went and did some shopping and let the kiddies play at the playground!
Us Ladies went and did some shopping and let the kiddies play at the playground!

Someday they will both be big, tall, hairy, stinky boys.
We better enjoy the chubby, baby lotion, kissy baby boys we have now!

He just licked it right as I snapped the picture!

I'm sure you'll be able to tell which ones. ;)
John and Tiff
Jack LOVED LOVED LOVED making the pizzas and cooking them in the oven!

He even cleaned up after himself. I wish he did that more around here!
Then we went over to the grocery store section. Also a very fun thing for the kids!
Jack was a great cashier!

I scream, you scream we all scream for fake ice cream!

Doesn't Allison's little guy have the best hair you've ever seen!!??
Of course Jack really enjoyed pretending to ride the race car!

Then it was back to the pizzeria, every ones favorite!

The bikes are always a favorite too!

Where's Jack Jack????? There he is!!!!!!!!

Proof that I was there... hardly any pictures of adults this trip!

They are CRAZY!
It was so cold!
Like 60 degrees old!
Her lips were blue when she got out!

Then some of us were going to go see a movie, but we all got to talking for so long in the parking lot that we missed it!!

Later that night the Dad's took all of the kids while us Mom's got to go have a girls night out!
We ate and just hung out together!
We ate and just hung out together!
I have the BEST friends ever!
It was so fun to have almost all of my bestest friends together at the same time!

So some of us went and got some dessert instead!
Vanilla bean cheesecake, yum!
The three musketeers! These ladies are much more like sisters then friends.
I am so greatful for them and their friendship!
I'm so glad that they were BOTH able to come and see me at the same time!
Next time we'll all go on vacation together, without husbands or kids!
I love you guys!!!
soo maybe I shouldnt of hidden but i get so camera shy haha im a dork thanks for inviting me that was super fun!!
What a super fun museum!!
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