Picture Over Load!!!
John, Tiffany and their family came to visit us for their spring break!
I took just a couple of pictures...
{You might have to push older posts a COUPLE of times! But you know what, it's my blog and I can post as many pictures as I want!!!}
They had only been in Arizona an hour before we were off to our neighborhood Easter egg hunt!
They didn't get too many candies or prizes {there were a LOT of kids!}But they did have a lot of fun. I'm sure the Robinson girls thought it was so nice and warm outside!

Baby Alivia!

They even had ice cream! Strawberry cheesecake, yum!

Of course the girls got cotton candy!

Saturday the kids played dress up and just enjoyed being together!

We colored Easter eggs!!
The kids looked so funny in all of Ryan's old work shirts!

Alivia didn't like me at first, but soon she warmed up and was my little buddy.
She's so tiny and cute and such a Daddy's girl!

The girls decided they wanted to try and go swimming.
I think that my feet went numb after about a minute in that water, but they didn't care!

They all had to lay in the sun and warm up!

Jack was smart, too cold for him too!

Jack and Adi played really well together! Silly kids!

Later Saturday night we drove up to the Temple to watch the Easter Pageant!
I almost forgot to go this year, but I'm glad I finally remembered and that the Robinson family was able to come along!

Adi, Ella, Jack, Avorie and Alivia!

Ryan rushed to the temple right after work, he got there just in time!

While we waiting for the show to begin many of the cast were walking around! The girls thought these guys were all pretty cool!
They even got to pet some little lambs!

Ready for the show to start!

My favorite part is always the angels!

It's such a wonderful show!
There are hardly any eye's dry by the end.
It's a wonderful reminder what Easter is really about.
Our savior, his atoning sacrifice and resurrection.

The little Robinson's didn't make it to the end.

Ella was so excited to meet some of the angels!

Easter Morning.
Well, since it was also conference weekend, we didn't get the baskets out until after the first session. Trying to keep a level of reverence.

The Easter bunny brought lots of fun treats and goodies!

It's a LOT harder then it looks!

Happy Easter!

Then it was time to get dressed and head out for the big hunt!
The Easter bunny did such a good job of hiding all of the eggs. Except that one that was at the bottom of the pool. Nobody wanted to get that one!

Jack really figured it out this year! He had so much fun! You just can't tell with how serious he looks!

That's showing a little more excitement!

Matchy matchy!
Ella is only 2 months older then Avorie, but look how much taller!
Those tiny little Robinson girls!
Avorie is Ella's best friend! It's been so sad they don't get to see each other very often anymore!

Then we all had a yummy Turkey for Easter dinner!

While watching the second session of confference we all fell asleep!
Well, everyone except John and Tiffany.
Thanks Tiff for the pictures!


The winner!

Monday Ella had to go to school.
But that was ok, beacuse Avorie got to go and have lunch with Ella at school!

Playing on the playground first!

Nothing like some PB&J for lunch!

Jack loves going to school with sissy!