With our pass of all passes it allows us to go to seven peaks.
I hadn't been in years, like since Ella was a toddler and I was in better shape. Yikes.
She didn't remember ever going and Jack hadn't ever been, so it was pretty exciting for them!
Jack was a little timid about going into the water, he was worried he was going to get lost. I guess that's a good thing.
I LOVE these pictures of Lilly..... little scrunchy nose!
I'm so done with her teething and runny nose!!
It was too hard to carry Lilly and a camera around with all that water, so we didn't take too many pictures of us actually doing anything.
We did wait 40 MINUTES for Ella to go down the slide. She loved it, so it was totally worth it.
first sunglasses.
Jack is nuts... seriously.
We figured out that the best place for us to hang out was just sitting in the wave pool.
I could easily watch the kids as they swam and Lilly could sit next to me splashing.
When we were going to the wave pool I told Jack some rules, stay by me, don't go into the deep end, watch out for inter-tubes, don't let the waves knock you down and squish you under the water.
Except that Jack thought I said "Whale pool"!!!!!
We stood on the edge of the water, Jack's eye's searching the water, totally scared.
All he heard was the "whales are going to squish him"!!!
So he wouldn't go in and was terrified!!
Finally I figured out what the issue was and told him there weren't any whales, only waves.
Then he was fine and had SO MUCH FUN slashing and riding the waves in his life-jacket.
Ella wanted to be grown up and kind of go do her own thing.. but I kept her pretty close too.
Ella is growing up so fast I can hardly believe it! She's almost a teenager.....
Proof that I was there.
After a long day (and now you can't take food into the park) we needed some lunch.
A special treat of happy meals!
The kids and I had so much fun, we can't wait to go again, maybe Ryan can go next time.