One day Ryan decided now was the time to go on a trip to Arizona.
We packed up and left the next day!
Poor Jack, he threw up four times on the ride down.
That kid gets car sick so easy.
Especially over the bumpy road in northern Arizona.
Lilly doesn't look happy, but really she did great the whole way!
She only cried twice, but both times she was just extra hungry.
Of course Ella is a pro traveler.
This kid went on her first long car ride when she was only two weeks old.
I love that my kids can be so good in the car.
We didn't even have movies to watch, just listened to the radio, chatted and napped.
We took a long break in Page.
We got some lunch and found a place to stop off and let the kids run around.
Ryan took them to "look for dinosaur bones".
We had to rent a car again.
We seriously need a new car so bad it's not even funny.
In fact it's getting really, REALLY old...
After 11 hours we finally made it to Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Silly Grandpa, peeking threw the little window.
First time meeting little Lilly!
The main reason for us going down to Arizona was to have Lilly meet and Jack and Ella spend some good quality time with Grandma Sandy.
Ryan's Mom, Sandy, was diagnosed with cancer a couple of months ago.
She's doing really well and we are very prayerful and hopeful that Sandy has many more years of playing with her cherished grandbabies.
Grandma loves her grand-babies so much. I love to watch their interaction together.
As soon as possible everyone hopped into the hot tub.
Jack didn't do much swimming this summer, so he was a little out of practice.
He wore a life jacket and arm floats. Silly boy.
Ella is a great swimmer and the only one willing to jump in the now very cold pool!
Grandma and Grandpa with the kids
These guys are such pals!
Grandpa would sit outside for hours watching Jack ride his little bike all over the back yard.
I think, no, I know that Grandma held Lilly more then I did or anyone else the entire week!
Jack found this bike and loved it.
He could go so fast!
He whipped around corners so fast the back tires would skid out!
He would also gain speed before going over some rocks as a short cut
The kids had fun playing the wii
If they couldn't be in the hot tub!
Jack trying to figure out how to put together a little train set.
I'm glad he's a man who likes using directions!
(Ella and Grace!)
After spending the first couple of days just hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa we invited some friends over for Cafe Rio salads (Sandy's favorite!) and some swimming.
He started getting better at the whole swimming thing.
Jack has been asking me almost everyday since we got back- can we got over to Taggy's house now?!
The Riggs, Bailey and the Shumway children
Justin and Katrina are so ready for another baby.
Good thing they don't have to wait too long! Their baby girl gets here in just a couple of months!
(The same time as Mary and Kevin!)
They both loved holding Lilly.
Justin was the one who got Lilly to smile for the first time!
These boys are so sweet! They make me laugh so hard
Ella being herself... bossy!
Grandma loved talking to Lilly and making her smile.
At one point we didn't know where the boys had gone.
They were up on the roof chatting.
Ryan sure has missed his BFF!
I'm so glad that Katrina is having another baby and that it's a girl!!
We always have fun together and are such great friends, I'm sure our girls will be too!
One morning I caught Ryan cuddling with Lilly.
He always wants to come off as being so tough, but almost every morning I wake up to him cuddling with her and giving her lots of kisses.
Lilly turned ONE MONTH old while in Arizona.
You can see she was as happy about it as I was.
She's getting way to big and grown up way too fast!
Midweek Sasha and her family were able to come and stay at Grandma and Grandpas too!
The kids were so excited to be with their cousins.
Ella and Tori got to share a room and loved having a sleepover every night!
One night they stayed up until 4am, little stinkers.
More hot tub time!
Ella and Tori are the best of friends.
They love each other so much and are always laughing and sharing secrets together.
Finally Jack wasn't afraid of the water anymore, although we made him keep wearing his arm floats.
He and Ella are my little fishies!
The weather was perfect the whole time we were there.
Not too hot most of the time.
I spent most of my time sitting outside watching the kids swim and holding my sweet baby.
These guys are too funny.
An Arizona sunset
I have the best friends ever!
Lauren and Katrina put together a baby shower for me while I was in town!
They did such an amazing job putting it all together.
The food was sooooo yummy!!
I wish that I had taken more pictures of all the little details.
It was the perfect opportunity to catch up with all of my girlfriends who I haven't been able to see in almost a year. I wish I had taken a picture of everyone who came!
Thank you Lauren and Katrina and to everyone who came!
You made my day!
Ever since Mary and Kevin got married my kids and the Shumway kids love telling everyone they are cousins now!
Thanks ladies, seriously you're the best!!
The Bullard, Shumway, Riggs, Scott, Offen and Bailey children!!
The next afternoon we were going to meet some friends at a park to let all of the kids play, but Sandy insisted that they all come here and swim. It was too hot out to do anything but swim.
Zach and Tori loved little Lilly!
They each took several long turns holding her.
Another evening we - Offen, Bailey, Shumway and Riggs families went out to eat at one of Ryan's favorites- Organ stop pizza!
After dinner Sandy invited everyone over for ice cream.
The whole time we were so worried about Sandy over doing things and feeling sick.
We are so glad that Ryan was inspired to come the week that we did.
Sandy felt great the whole week and was able to have fun and enjoy our time there.
Hanging out for the last time.
Thank you to all of our friends who made such efforts to see us and spend time with us while we were there.
And also for understanding that this was a trip to spend mostly with Grandma and Grandpa.
We feel so loved that everyone wanted to see us all week!!
On our last full day we went as a family to a buffet and fun center.
There were a couple of little rides.
Ella and Tori went on every single one!
I thought for sure Ella was going to throw up on the tea cups!
She didn't... although she looked a little green for quite a while after.
Jack couldn't go on as many rides as the girls and Zach.
He's still my little guy.
Although I think he thought he was pretty cool.
Riding without hands, that's what tough, big boys do!
Grandma held Lilly or she hung out in her stroller.
I am so blessed to have such good, easy going babies who can sleep anywhere!
Waiting for the go carts.
Even Ryan and his Dad had to get in on that action!
I'm not sure who won, but I know everyone had a good time.
I think it's funny that Rick got the YELLOW car!
Jack loved mini golf! He tried really hard the first couple of holes before becoming a little more lazy and picking up his ball and placing it where he wanted it.
Sasha loved holding Lilly.
Thanks for all of your help Sash!
The bigger kids took things a little more serious.
Ella got a hole in one!!
At one point I didn't see Jack anywhere.
He was playing in the sand.
Jack got to play some arcade games while the bigger kids got to play laser tag.
It was Ella's first time ever playing laser tag, she said she loved it and played a couple of times.
How can a three year old feel too grown up for a train ride!? Stinker.
One last ride!
Ryan wants to get Jack a little motorcycle for Christmas because of this game. Jack loves it!
(Not going to happen!)
Soon it was our last day.
Ella missed a whole week of school when Lilly was born and then another whole week while we were in Arizona. We had to get back. Lilly loves talking to Grandma!
Justin and Katrina surprised us and stopped by for a few minutes to say good bye.
Love and miss you guys!
Later that afternoon saying good bye.
The kids were in the pool until the very last second!
Ryan with his family.
Danielle stopped by to say hello and meet Lilly.
We had so much fun hanging out with Sasha and Stacy!
Even just hanging out and chatting was the best time.
Thank you everyone!!! Especially to Rick and Sandy for having us.
We love and miss you guys!
We had so much fun, see you ALL again soon!
On the ride home the kids slept almost the entire way. We didn't get home until 9am! Poor Ryan was so tired! It was totally worth it though.