Friday, November 19, 2010

Study Time

Ryan is a full time student.
He studies ALL the time. Which is good, he gets good grades.
He's taken over the guest bedroom upstairs. It's now his office and study hall.
He's defiantly spent more time in that room then anywhere else over the last couple of months.
It's hard for Ella and Jack, knowing Ryan's in the house to NOT go and "check on him" or try and "help him study".
It's become somewhat of a problem.
This is Ryan's solution.
He'll put on a movie for them on his laptop, with headphones. That way they can be in the room with him while he studies and will be quiet, while still feeling like they are close to their Daddy.
I thought that Jack looked particularly cute a couple of nights ago.
But he quickly got tired of me calling him and trying to talk to him.
"I watching Cars Mom!"
(LOVE that face!)
Ella was supposed to be asleep, but didn't want to miss out on the action.
She's lost even MORE teeth! And more are growing in!
She's growing up........

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Gilbert Arizona Temple Ground Breaking

Yesterday after Ella's soccer game we rushed home changed our clothes and went over to the ground breaking ceremony for the new Gilbert Arizona LDS Temple.
I had been looking forward to going for weeks!

As we walked through the field there were helicopters and media everywhere.
But even still, as we walked together as a family I looked around at other families all coming together for this special day. I could feel the love and excitement from everyone. There is something about gathering together, everyone with the same beliefs and understanding as I have. The spirit was there in that field.

The Shumways came along... Joseph had to work :(

Jack got restless.. Ryan took him for a little walk

The kids made a huge mess in the dirt and were absolutely filthy by the time we left.
I hope that at least Ella will remember the experience of being there that day.
I can't wait for the years when the temple is complete and when I can take the children back!
I am so glad we were able to be there and for the blessing it will be to have a temple in this area! As we left, it was no longer a field, but holy ground!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

The last days of soccer

Grace and Ella
It was a chilly morning!
Ella was thinking it was SO COLD... I guess she doesn't remember what it was like to live in Utah!
55 is NOT freezing

Jack would NOT let me take pictures of him... stinker

But Claire Bear would! Such a cutie!

Ella only has ONE more game!!
She's sad, but is looking forward to playing again in the spring!

Ella got to play goalie, something she's pretty good at and really enjoys!
I was a little worried, a couple of practices ago she was goalie she jammed her little pinkie finger pretty bed and it's still a little swollen. Poor thing.
But she did really well. I love her little skip/jump as she throws that ball!

Ryan's Mom, Dad and sister Danielle were able to come!
Ella loves the extra support!

(Ryan's serious coach face!)
This week the main coach had to go out of town for business.
That left Ryan to be the COACH!
It's not an easy job, but he made it fun for the girls and had quite a bit of fun himself!
He asked his friend (and home teaching companion, who's daughter is also on the team!) to help him out with subbing!
He has said it's made him miss "the good old days" of soccer and might try and join an adult league sometime.
Our Goalie!

Another loss, but still had a good time!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

We were so excited to head out trick or treating along with our friends the Scott's!
We don't get out of church until almost 5pm! So we had to eat dinner and get ready quickly.
It was such nice weather! We had the wonderful opportunity to meet and talk with our neighbors and parents of children in Ella's class at school! I'm so glad we went, it really ended up being a great missionary opportunity!

Ella LOVED going out with some friends! There was a lot of candy trading along the way

Woody and Buzz!!!
Jack did so well! He really kept up with the older children and had a total blast!

The boys! They joked around and made all of us laugh the whole time!
The TWO Ryans!

My sweet little guy, he had so much fun!
We didn't actually go to THAT many houses or for very long
But that's ok, the kids still got a TON of candy!
(Although I think that about a third is already gone!)

They both dumped all of their candy into one huge pile... so nice to share!
It's only one of the candy bags in that pile!

Ryan started picking out his favorite...
but soon put it back
so not worth the calories!
Now that's JACK'S favorite!
(and Jack was the one who took this shot!)

Another Halloween has come and gone!
It was a great night!
Thank you Scott family!!

Just about Forgot.....

I almost forgot to post these.... Jack had fallen asleep right as our little Halloween party started.
He missed the WHOLE THING!
I guess he was really really tired, because I'm not sure how he was able to sleep through all the noise 36 kids +parents can make!
So when he woke up the house was quiet and empty.
Ryan, Ella and I had already eaten dinner and so I warmed up some leftovers for Jack.
After leaving the kitchen for a few minutes I came back to this. He had a seat all ready for me... RIGHT next to his.
He is such a sweet boy and is so thoughtful!

Ward Trunk or Treat

We had heard that our wards trunk or treat was pretty great, so we were pretty excited to go!
We ran out of candy soo fast! I guess our 4 HUGE bags weren't enough after all!

The Shumways came along for the fun!

Brother Hatch had the best, fastest, scariest ride ever!! Jack LOVED it!

Jack, Grace and Tag

Cake walk!

Poor Jack, it took him quite a while to win.. Daddy helped!

Totally worth it!

Ella and one of her best buds Tegan!

Trunk or Treating!
There were so many kids! They were everywhere!

One last ride before going home!
The kids had so much fun!
The were on a HUGE sugar high the rest of the night and would NOT go to sleep!

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