Happy Father's day to all you Father's out there and especially to Rick and Matt! We love you and you're the best Dad's! We hope that all of you have a great Fathers day. We love you!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I can't believe that my baby is 5 years old!
A Day at the Lake
Today we went to the lake for Fathers day and also to celebrate Ella's 5th birthday with the family. (we were all sad that Ryan couldn't make it. He had to go into work at the last minuet. He was truly missed.) Ella had a wonderful day- she got littlest pet shop toys, her favorite! Thanks to everyone, we are so lucky to have such wonderful family!
New Found Toy
Jack has found a toy that brings him endless hours (well really minuets) of joy- a door stopper! He LOVES it. He loves to hear the sound it makes when he hits it. He has been finding them all over the house. Each time as if for the first time.
He's growing up and learning so much. This week he's decided that he just wants to eat everything that we are eating. He keeps copying everything that Ella does- sucking his thumb, trying to go outside, trying to climb into the bath when she's in it. He follows her everywhere. He even tries to pull himself up onto the couch to be with his big sissy!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Zach and Tori
Almost every night Ella and Ryan go out into the backyard to try and catch one of the many little lizards that run around. So finally yesterday at Grandma's Ryan caught one and put it in this cup for the kids to look at. Again Ella wasn't at all afraid. We didn't keep him too long before releasing him back into the wild.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Scrapbook Day

Melissa and Jolie came over today to play and scrapbook. I hadn't scrapbooked since Jack was a newborn. I still have a lot I need to catch up on! Like the last two and a half years! I thought I would try Jolie in the bucket too, since Jack loves it so much. She's such a sweet girl! Thanks for coming over guys!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Drive-in Movie

Grandma on the Hill
I forgot to post that the other day we went over to (as Ella calls it Grandma on the hill's house, meaning Grandma Sandy's. I think that she picked that up because we call my mom- Grandma on the farm. I think that Ella assumes that you just call all Grandmas by what their surroundings are.) So we went to Grandma Sandy's house and made bows with Melissa. We had a great time and made a whole bunch of bows. They turned out very cute and Melissa's addicted. Thanks for meeting us there. We had a great time! Next- scrap booking! I took these while on Grandma's hill.
He's on the move
Ella was outside playing in the back yard. He crawled over to the window and waiting for her to come inside. He just sat and played a little. But mostly he just watched her. He loves his big sissy.

Jack has loved being able to move around as he wants. He has finally figured out how to crawl really well. He's fast! He has also figured out how to sit up on his own. Ryan and I think it's so funny though- he can't ever get his left leg out from under his bottom. Although we think that it gives him a little more support. This morning he got a hold of a Muffin that Ella had and squished it to bits! There were crumbs everywhere! He's such a stinker. We are really having to keep a good eye on this little guy. He's very mischievous. And yet he's still such a sweet boy who very rarely gets upset about anything. Even when Ella put him into a fairy princess outfit. Sorry Ryan, she did it, not me.

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