We didn't get there until later in the afternoon. We woke up and ran to the grocery store to get a few things. Since we had the condo which included a stove, oven and refrigerator we decided to eat there as much as possible.

When Ryan took his turn I was afraid that he really might pull it out! He's the strongest person I know. But he couldn't! Hehehe!

The Matterhorn, Ella in Casey Jr, and Cinderella's castle!
I hadn't remembered that there was a petting zooin Disneyland. Ella really liked it. Of course, Jack did not. He hates animals, unless they are behind glass or a large wall.

I had brought along one of Ella's princess dresses from home. (I did NOT want her coming to me asking for one of the hundred dollar princess dresses from there in the park) She had been too embarrassed to wear it the first day, then she saw a whole group of little girls wearing dresses, so she decided she would give it a try.
Pirates of the Caribbean! One of our most favorite rides! It's the ride we went on the most times for sure!

Later in the afternoon some of my best family friends the Whittaker's met us at Disneyland! They are so lucky, they have season tickets and get to go all the time!

Silly boys!!

Thank you Kelli and boys for coming and seeing us! We were so glad you could make it, we had so much fun with you! We miss your family so much! We love you guys!
After another fun filled day at Disney we went back to the condo and spent a little time in the hot tub relaxing!
Watching the sun set on Disneyland!
The kids loved the condo, especially the elevator, running down the hall, having their own bedroom and plenty of room to play! Being able to stay at the condo made our trip about a million times better!!
Eating her dinner!
Day 3 and the Last Day at Disneyland!
I caught Jack eating cookies for breakfast! That little stinker!

All ready to go!

Poor Jack, there was a lot of waiting around while Ryan or I were taking Ella on rides. However, sometimes it really paid off! While Ryan and Ella were on Soaring over California the REAL Lightning McQueen pulled up!
And he got to meet Goofy!!!!
And try on some silly hats!!!
One of Ryan's most favorite rides!

Ryan was the only one brave enough to go on this ride!!

Ella started out liking the HUGE Ferris wheel.
But the closer we got to the top, she really started freaking out! Poor girl! She was pretty upset when we were stopped at the very top! (above picture, bottom left) I was finally able to get her calmed down a little, but we did not go on that ride again!
I was so happy, when on the last day, with Jack wearing his special matching tee shirt we ran into the real Woody!! Jack was so excited, until it came time to take the picture! He started flipping out!! I'm so glad that a Disney worker was there to take a picture for us! Poor Jack! After we said goodbye, that's all Jack would talk about! Woody, Woody!!
The new Woody ride was so cute! We all loved it!

I almost bought Jack the real Woody hat... maybe next time.
Another of Ryan's favorite rides!!
Ryan and I each took a turn going alone.

Then he was finally able to convince Ella to go too! (although you can tell (picture above, left) she was a little nervous. Her favorite ride is space mountain, this one can't be much worse right? Except that it's not dark and you go upside down!

Alright, well I guess they had some fun new things.
Poor Ella got totally lost while we were there. Ryan and I never left the same spot, but of course Ella got turned around while running though the caves. We had told her that if she got lost to look for someone who worked at Disneyland and have them help find us. A nice family saw her crying and tried helping, but she said no since they didn't work at Disneyland. I guess they did end up helping her, even yelling out my name. She finally found us, sitting right where she had left us. Ella sure learned a good lesson. She never went more then three feet from Ryan or I the entire rest of the trip!!

These were her princess poses!

They walked together and even held hands! Ryan leaned over and asked, what's going on here?! Adam looked back and answered, falling in love!

She had to explain to me how scary it was! Later I would say it was her new most favorite ride!

Bugs life!
Some of my favorite pictures from the trip, they look so cute in those glasses!

Jack was starting to get pretty hungry. He was just staring at the huge watermellon! I asked him if he waned a lick and he said yes. Too bad he couldn't reach, he totally would have!

A little bird stealing some of Ella's lunch.

Ryan could NOT wait to take Ella on the tower of terror! She was pretty nervous (It was kind of a rough day for Ella) but she went along. Jack and I checked out the gift shop.
After a long wait Ryan and Ella came down. She was too scared. Ryan said that after waiting in line she was fine, but as soon as it was time to get in she got really scared and refused to get in. After talking to her a little while she finally decided to go with me. She did not like it.

Too bad that the whole time I was in line Jack was seriously screaming at the top of his lungs! I felt so bad, but gosh dang it, I wanted that soup! When I got to the front they gave Jack a bread made into the shape of mickey mouse!
It was worth the wait! SOO yummy!