Spring Break!!!! To bad it totally doesn't feel like spring outside yet!
I didn't have too much planned for the week. Ryan already had his spring break and with funds low, there wasn't going to be any huge trip this year
Lisa, Tiffany and I all decided to take all of our kids up to Park City for one night in a hotel
(Poor Ella, she got soooo car sick on the way up!)

The night before Jack and I put together some treat bags for everyone to enjoy on the drive up. Jack munched while watching Toy Story

This guy still has such a stranger danger feeling around me. Wouldn't even look at me, that stinker!

Brielle was a perfect angel on the drive up

We hit up a little shopping at the outlets that morning before heading over to the hotel
The kids think it's so fun to stay at a hotel, but before long started getting pretty bored

So we were off to the pool!!

Jack put one toe in the pool and ran straight for the hot tub. A man after his fathers heart!

He never did go in the pool, too cold for him

Then back to the room for bathes and jammies

The only picture of me from the trip
Lisa ran to the store, so I got to watch Brielle
SHE loved me and cuddled right up and fell asleep

We spent the evening watching movies and eating pizza.. along with a truck load of other junk! I am surprised that nobody threw up with how much candy was consumed!

The boys didn't care so much for the movie, but they loved playing with the hotel phones, once they were unplugged from the wall

Silly girls!!

The hotel was great!
well, except for two little problems.
One- the adjoining rooms worked great. Would have worked a ton better it they would open wider then 12 inches
Two- our TV didn't work! We could watch some fuzzy TV, but never could get the DVD player to work.
In the end it worked out to be good things! The hotel gave us a voucher to come back for another free night!
We know what we are doing for Lisa's birthday next month!!
This time without children!

Ahhh.. finally the kids crashed and all fell asleep. Really, for all of them to be asleep around midnight I thought was amazing! My kids can stay up until 3am easy..

Next morning we got up and went to breakfast
While there we ran into a couple from Wisconsin who thought it rather funny that three women with a bunch of children were all staying together.
(We are from Utah after all!)
Lisa made sure to include in the conversation that we are all married- to three different men!
After breakfast and getting dressed we headed to the outlets for some more shopping!
All of the big girls had matching hair
Thanks Lisa and Tiff, it was so much fun!! We'll have to do it again sometime!!