Before we knew it, it was our last week in Arizona!
With Christmas around the corner and everyone so busy we decided to take two days to spend with some of our favorite people.... the Shumways and the Riggs
First we went over the the Riggs where Katrina and I made a huge turkey dinner!

It was so good! Thank you Katrina!!!

The kids loved it too!

There was a lot of playing ball in the back yard and video games

We spend the rest of the evening playing games and just being together!

A few nights later we went with the Shumways to Organ Stop Pizza in Mesa!

I know it doesn't look like it, but Ryan was LOVING it!! He really thought it was cool!



The couples

After dinner we headed over to the Shumways to hang out..
so sad that we aren't going to be able to hang out like this anymore.
We always have fun together! There better be lots of trips to Utah you guys!!
The rest of the week was filled with packing and getting ready for CHRISTMAS!!!