Monday, May 7, 2007

Hair bows

Last week Lisa and I got together and made some bows for our girls. They turned out so cute, I had to show you guys! Sorry these aren't super good pictures of the bows, but Ella sure looks cute!

More of ballet!

Ella got a certificate and a pen from her teacher! Later that night we took her out to dinner to celebrate!

Ella's ballet recital!

Ella had her first dance recital! She danced to the song rock-n-robin and got to rock out on a guitar! She loved being able to perform for everyone, even if it was a little scary! She did a great job! We are so proud of her!


More of the Bailey's at the Zoo!

The Zoo!

Ryan and I took Ella to the Zoo. She loves seeing all of the animals. She loves the monkey's, elephant's, zebra's and giraffe's. We all had a good time!

Our new hutch

This is mostly for Sarah's benefit because she knew that I wanted this exact one. Kind of big for our kitchen, but I'll have it forever, I love it!!!!!!!

Ella's first talk in Primary!

Ella gave her first talk a few weeks ago. It was on Christ's atonement and Resurrection. It was kind of hard to say those big words, but she did an excellent job. We are so proud of of our big girl!

Our Backyard!

So now that it's spring we have started working on getting our backyard done! Ella needs some grass and a swing set! We rented a mini backhoe so that we can add a door out of the basement. Ella was a great helper. She loved being able to drive!
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