Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day

Jack- 5 years old

He loved these glasses!
Ella- 9 1/2 years old

Always a good sport
Lilly 17 months old

A stinker!
OF COURSE Valentines day came up on me so quickly!
Although I haven't been feeling sick at all with this pregnancy, I have been feeling SO tired!
Which makes things like Valentines day, or anything that's "extra" so much harder.
A couple of days before Valentines I tried taking some pictures with the kids.
The house was dark and my lights weren't working.
We also spent an entire 15 minutes taking ALL of these pictures.

Lilly was being so funny, Ella and I decided to take some more pictures of her.
One day I had some extra time before having to pick Ella up from school, so I ran over to the outlets (not a good thing they are so close now!)
and as I was walking around the GAP Lilly walked up to me wearing these sunglasses.
Which she would not take off.
So they came home with us, which is ok since they are so dang cute!

These kids are so much fun!!!

Late at night, the night before Valentines the kids told me they needed Valentine boxes to take to school! WHAT!?
This is what we (again) could throw together in just a few minutes.

I printed out a ton of Valentines for the kids to take to school, but also so send to our friends and family.
The school ones made it out, the friends and family are still sitting in envelopes on my desk.
Oh well.
Maybe I'll get my crap together by Easter and I'll send them with an Easter card.
Don't get your hopes up!
Ella had two different options that she handed out.

My favorite is the one of them all together.
Next year there will be another little someone in the picture!
I didn't really get any pictures of valentines morning when the Valentine fairy came.
Jack was terrified, thinking of the Valentine fairy. 
He couldn't sleep.
Finally he asked that we write a note to put on his door asking that she just leave his treats at his bedroom door and not on his bed like usual.
Then he could finally fall alseep.
In the morning all of the kids had boxes of chocolates waiting for them.
They all felt a little like- that's it?
Again the fairy was just too tired.
The Easter bunny will be better!
Happy Valentines Day!!!

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