Saturday, January 31, 2009

Freestone Park

Today Ryan and I took the kids to a park that we had never been to before. The kids loved walking around and watching all of the ducks.

The kids LOVED playing on this bridge watching the ducks. Jack would climb up and down, up and down.
He's getting so big. He thinks that he can do ANYTHING!

They have a couple rides there so after playing on the playground and getting some popsicles (it was pretty hot outside!) we let Ella have one ride on the carousel!

Random Week

We have had one of those weeks that seem really busy, but then again I can't think of anything that we did. Until I looked at these pictures.
A few weeks ago Ella's class started learning about plants and how they grow. Here are some bean plants that they grew in class. Ella was so excited to plant them! Of course Jack-Jack had to get in on it too.

Jack has become such a great helper! He LOVES to MOP! He mops at least three times a day! He also loves to vacuum (with his very own mini one) and unload that dishwasher. I hope he's always this helpful!

On Ryan's last couple of days off he planned a family bike ride and picnic. Ella's getting more and more confident on her big girl bike. We are LOVING this Arizona winter!

Ryan also got Ella dressed for school and took this picture one of the days this week. I am so thankful for his help, although I don't think that a flowery top, grey shorts and brown shoes all go together. (I just told her that if anyone asked to tell them that Dad helped her get dressed)


The Bullard family came over last night to have some pizza and play some games! I wanted to get more pictures (of little girls playing) but forgot. I guess I was having too much fun! These little guys were so cute just watching us while relaxing in these chairs.
We hope everyone had a great week!

Hair Cut

Well.... I finally cut Jack's hair. Ryan didn't want me to, he liked Jack's hair. But I couldn't take it anymore so the other day I cut it. I didn't really know what I was doing, but I think it still turned out ok. Goodbye fluffy hair.

Jack is learning and growing everyday! He loves wearing everyone else's shoes!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Swimming in January!?

Since yesterday was a holiday and Ella didn't have school and it just so happened to be Ryan's day off too we got to join Ryan's family in a BBQ and some swimming. Yes, you read right, swimming in January. Although the kids were the only ones brave enough to go in the none heated pool everyone enjoyed the hot tub. It's been so warm this week! It makes me remember how hot it was this summer. I'm not ready for winter to be over yet!

We also hung out inside playing Rock Band! Jack LOVES the drums! He's looking pretty cool! (Yes, he has a pacifier sometimes now. What kid all of a sudden likes passies when they are one year old? I hope that it's not a problem to get ride of someday!! I'm hoping it's just a faze as we are in the proses of stopping the whole nursing thing.)

Build A Bear

We gave Ella a gift certificate to build a bear for Christmas. A few weeks ago we took her and she picked out this bunny she named Floppsy! ( Can you believe I forgot my camera!?)
Although Ella picked out a super cute outfit for her the first time, she wanted to get her something else. She has had this bag of change sitting around for quite a while and on Saturday she wanted to use it all to get a new outfit for Floppsy.
We were in there FOREVER! Ella could NOT decide what she wanted. We even tried some different things on. She finally decided on this little pink dress!They look so cute together!
After both kids played at the play area for two hours!
I don't think that it's supposed to be 80 degrees in January. It just feels wrong! However it was very nice weather to be outside playing.

School Project

Last Friday was Ella's 100th day of school! Each kid in her class had to make something using 100 of the same thing. She choose straws and with Ryan's help made a house! Of course that's what happens with a Dad who loves to build! They even put three little pigs in the house and a wolf outside.

A A A A A A A all A's!

Ella is a smarty pants, just ask her. She'll tell you. We got her report card, ALL A's! No big surprise to us. We decided to celebrate. She wanted to make cookies. We made one HUGE cookie just for her! Good job buggy!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sweet Prince

Ella is so sweet. She loves her little brother. She has started calling him "sweet handsome prince". It's kind of stuck and I find myself calling him prince too. These pictures made me think- my sweet handsome Prince.
He fell asleep with his favorite treat- a sucker!

Ryan's Birthday Party!

It wasn't that it was a surprise, Ryan just didn't know about the party until he walked in the door.

I put together a "Ryan challenge" for the boys. Each team had to complete a list of silly things to win. Such as, hula hoop while kicking a soccer ball through some cones, three legged race, chug a HUGE cup of milk, feed each other pudding and much much more. It was hilarious, I was laughing so hard. Hardly any of the pictures I took turned out because I was laughing so hard and shaking the camera. Congratulations to Joseph and Justin for winning the race! Thanks to all the boys for being good sports!
I know I have said it before, but we have some of the best friends! They know Ryan all too well! (Fat cards- too funny!) Guys, your gifts were so nice! You're all awesome!

Ryan- I hope that you had a fantastic birthday! I could go on and on about all the things I love about you. But I don't need to, you already know them. I love you!

Happy Birthday Ryan

The birthday boy- 28 years old!

Ella was kind enough to take this picture of us. Hahahahaha! Can you tell it's like 10pm!? Such a bummer- Ry had to work and go to a late meeting on his birthday. He didn't get home until way after bedtime.

I let Ella stay up. Sissy, she loves her Daddy and he loves her. They have such a wonderful relationship. She helped me make his cake and even rapped some of his presents all by herself- NO help from me.

Ella and I made his favorite- spice cake! He loves it so much, that's what we had for our wedding cake! (Jack was already in bed!)
Ryan was so happy, even though it was just us. What he didn't know was the next day there was going to be a surprise!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pottery with Grandma

A couple of weeks ago Ella, Jack and I got together with Ryan's Mom and went to paint some pottery. It was a lot of fun, Ella really enjoyed it! Jack, did not like it as much. Here are the finished products-I made a plate for Jack with his little hands on it. It would have looked so much better if I wasn't trying to hold him the whole time! He made such a huge mess!
Ella painted this lovely mermaid jewelry box. Sandy and I had tried to make sure that it was going to look somewhat normal. We helped her pick out the colors and helped her try and stay in the lines. However at the last second as we were standing up to leave we turned to find Ella painting the face bright ORANGE! AH! We didn't even know where the orange paint came from! Oh well. Ella still loves it. That's all that matters. Kind of scary though.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Ryan- Happy 28th Birthday!
Ryan (about a two months old) (about 1 year old)Brothers
Andre, Ryan and Elliott Elliott, Andre, Ryan and Danielle Elliott and Ryan
Ryan, Elliott and Andre

I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful husband! I knew that I wanted to marry him on our second date! He charmed me with his sense of humor and his big heart. We have been together through thick and thin, I know that he loves me and would do anything for me. He's such a wonderful father to our children. There is nothing more important to him then to be a good father and husband. I LOVE YOU RYAN! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

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